Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Heidi Shutrz and Haley Wawro Photoshoot
at Nelson's Grove... and Lakeridge Jr. High
June 1st 2010

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

This is my June Calendar your going to need to schedual all photoshoots accordingly
june 7-11 & June 14-18 & june 28- July 2 No photoshoots until after 1:00 p.m.
No photoshoots on sundays
other then those few conflicts let me know other times your open...
feel free to write on the wall on my facebook fan page, my person facebook or tweet it to me on my person twitter. [] [] []
Today i did Holly Jone's headshot there is one of many above

Some photos from the photo shoot i did
recently at the provo mall when the power was out.

Karleen's Birthday Photoshoot

Here are some photos from her birthday shoot!